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Postpooned Games - 01 Dec 18

LeagueHomevAwayNew Date
DV1Exeter SaracensvNorth Tawton02-Feb-19
BBO2Bracknell IIIvGrove II02-Feb-19
DW2SOakmeadians IIvLytchett Minster02-Feb-19
DW3SOakmeadians IIIvBournemouth IV08-Dec-18
SCNHigh WycombevMarlow02-Feb-19
DW1SWimborne IIvBlandford02-Feb-19

Pitch conditions - September 2018

Although there has been rainfall in recent weeks in many areas there are still some pitches which are suffering because of the prolonged hot spell. Indeed in some areas where there has been rain it has been the wrong sort! A deluge over a few hours is largely wasted of course because most of it just runs off rather than sinking into the soil.

After consultation within the division and taking advice from the RFU, the South West plans to adopt its usual practice for match postponements as it would for any other weather event.

If a pitch is thought to be unfit it must be inspected by a qualified referee. This is important, it protects the home club from any accusations that the game could have been played.

Efforts must be made to stage the game on either an alterative pitch, including an RFU approved AGP surface, or the venue switched to the away team - with a consequent change to the reverse fixture later in the season.

The key is communication. Keep in touch with your opponents, your league secretary (see details under Contact Us) and the Admin Office. If the fixture is to be reversed you must let the Admin Office know before kick off. If there is no alterative and the game has to be postponed you must let your league secretary and the Admin Office know by 3.30pm on the Saturday. The match will be re-arranged for the next available weekend as defined in the regulations.


25 Aug 18

Electronic Match Cards

For 2018-19 the RFU are extending electronic match cards (EMC) to level 8 in the men’s game. The level of detail required will mirror that of level 5 and 6 in the mens game i.e. team line-ups and confirmation of result. The following link will take you to the EMC section of the England Rugby website. Here you will find a range of support material for the desktop and mobile versions of EMC, including:

- Written step by step ‘how-to’ guides

- Video guides (if you view them on full screen they may appear slightly blurry. We are working to fix this ASAP, but for now it is advisable to view in the screen size that opens when you click on the link)

- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

- ‘How to get help’ document We have set up dummy fixtures on Desktop version of EMC for you to run through in preparation for the season.

Once logged into GMS click on the ‘Match Card’ tab to access EMC. To locate the dummy fixtures please follow these instructions:

1. Search for ‘EMC Inter Division Leagues’ in the ‘Competition’ drop down box.

2. Then click on the ‘Group’ drop down box and select your region. This will then present fixtures for your region (Southwest) **If you would like a comparable example on the Mobile version of EMC, login to mobile EMC through the link above and choose your first XV team. Select the appropriate fixture to complete. Note - this may appear in the ‘past’ tab if the dummy fixture was scheduled for a date in the past. You will be able to complete the EMC for the dummy games until the 28th August at which time we will delete the data ready for the start of the league season.

To access EMC you must have the correct permissions on GMS. It is your club's responsibility to ensure the appropriate people have the correct permissions to access EMC.

Two people within a club can do this:

1. Honorary Secretary

2. Data Officer

A final note to mention is for the curious amongst you who may have searched for ‘EMC’ on Google you will find YouTube videos that were posted last year. They will still provide useful tips as a guide but they do not present the most up to date version of EMC, again, please be aware of this.

12 Aug 18


2018 Pre-season sendout

All first teams have been sent a list of the registered players which should arrive in the next few days.

In addition clubs at level nine and below have been sent match cards. (Those at level eight and above will be using electronic match cards)

The newsletters which accompanied the sendouts are available on the newsletter section of this website.

12 Aug 18

RFU advice on pitch care during the hot weather



- Make sure your watering system is working efficiently. Check sprinkler arcs, hoses, nozzles

- Water only the essential areas.

- Do not water during the day.

- Reduce the frequency of watering and water more thoroughly each time, to get moisture well into the soil.

- Do not allow puddles to form or surface run-off to occur.

- Improve infiltration of water by spiking (not slitting) and use of wetting agents

- Raise the height of cut when mowing. If possible return clippings to help to act as mulch.


- Be prepared to close specific problem areas that have become dangerous.

- Do not apply pesticide or fertiliser.

- Continue to mow, but not as frequently and when possible increase the height of cut (approx. 75mm). The grass will survive better in the long term with careful mowing rather than none at all.

- Aeration is a must, this does not have to be deep (be careful if the ground is too hard which could damage the tines)

- Stop any verti-cutting or scarification as the surface area for the sun to dry will be increased

- If a Water Authority decides to impose a ban look through the precise terms of the ban and assess its application and relevance to the club.


- Reinstate any severely damaged areas as soon as conditions and water availability allows.

- Wetting agents should still be used to help with rewetting of drought-damaged or waterrepellent turf.

- After the immediate problems have been dealt with it may be necessary to revise the management strategy to minimise future problems.

The following points should be considered:

            Alleviate compaction and eliminate excessive thatch to encourage deeper rooting.

  •  If possible, manage turf to favour drought-tolerant species o Update the irrigation system to improve efficiency.
  •  Investigate alternative water sources and increase the water storage capacity.


Good maintenance practices will encourage the development of a vigorous healthy sward with a deep root system, which will be able to withstand the effects of drought better than a weak sward with shallow rooting long term.

08 Aug 18

Electronic Mach Card Training

Electronic match cards are being extended to levels 7 and 8 in the coming season.

The RFU is holding a number of training sessions around the country aimed not only at those new clubs now involved but also those at levels 5 and 6 who feel they would benefit from a refresher.

There are three sessions in the South West - all between 7 and 9pm

Monday 30th July - Launceston RFC

Tuesday 31st July - North Bristol RFC

Wednesday 1st August - Hungerford RFC

The London & SE Division also have a session at Twickenham Stadium on Wednesday 8th August which may be more convenient for some.

Please sign up via this form so the necessary arrangements can be made.

23 Jul 18


New Season's fixtures

Fixtures for the 2018-2019 season have been posted to the nominated league contact of every team taking part in the competition. They can also be viewed here. The newsletter which accompanied them is available here.

Clubs now have a number of tasks

  • Confirm their nominated league contact - this should have been done by 1st July 2018. Go here.
  • Decide if they want to move or reverse any fixtures. This must be done by mutual consent with your opponents. Both clubs need to complete the online form here. (Please note the instructions at the top of that page if you are reversing the venues of games.)
  • If playing in leagues of 12 or less decide if you want to apply for a free weekend. The form (and details of what you can apply for) is here. Every weekend between the start of the season and the end of April (except the two weeks at Christmas) is available for re-arranged matches - it is only a free weekend if you have successfully applied for it.

30 May 2018 (updated 22 Jul 18)

Fixtures out this week

The fixtures for 2018-2019 will be posted to all clubs on Tuesday 29th May and be available on this website the following morning.

14 club leagues will start on Saturday 1st September with 12 club leagues beginning the following week.

Clubs will have four weeks after the publication of the fixtures to mutually agree any changes.


27 May 18

We are not being idle...

Following Sunday's meeting of the SW Competitions Committee work has now started on producing the fixtures for next season.

There will be 34 leagues in the South West in 2018-19 playing nearly 6,000 fixtures.

We plan to release the fixtures by the end of the month. Updates will be posted here on the website.

Alongside that this site will be updated in preparation for the new campaign. Already the Structured Season, which most leagues will follow, is available here.

16 May 18

South West Competitions Committee's longest serving chairman stands down

Nigel "Bert" Barber has stood down as chairman of the South West Competitions Committee after 15 years at the helm.

Work commitments away from rugby have prompted the decision but he will remain on the committee as the League Secretary for South West Premier - the SW's top league.

He is replaced by Dave McAteer from Berkshire, who becomes only the fourth person to hold the job since the committee was founded in 1987.

Bert Barber and Dave McAteer

Denis Preece from Cornwall was elected the new deputy chairman


14 May 18
